We can’t do it without you!
Please join Haystack Project today as an Individual Contributor,
an Industry Sponsor, or a Patient Advocacy Group.
Questions? Contact us at Haystack@HaystackProject.org
Make an Impact by Contributing Today
It's our core mission to evolve health care payment and delivery systems to make innovative quality treatments accessible to the patients they were meant to reach.
We can't do it without your help. Please consider making a gift today by donating to The Haystack Project.
Industry Sponsorship
To learn more about our sponsorship opportunities, please email us here.
Patient Advocacy Group Membership
Join the Haystack Project as a Patient Advocacy Group below.
Member benefits
Receive advocacy updates.
Participate in monthly policy calls.
Attend in-person meetings.
Advise on content -- and have the opportunity to sign on -- to letters to policymakers on ultra-orphan issues.
Participate in Hill and other meetings as appropriate.
Former Haystack Project CEO James Caro invites you to join the Haystack Project.
Join the Haystack Project
Pursuant to federal tax law, 501(c)(3) members are allowed to allocate up to an “unsubstantial” (generally 5% -10%) percentage of their budgets on lobbying activities without in any way jeopardizing their tax-exempt status.